P.A.'L.A.N.T.E. provides legal and mediation assistance to residents acting as a tenant or tenant association representative, in order to help tenants: remain in their apartments, overturn illegal rent increases, identify unhealthy hazardous conditions, file housing code violations with the appropriate government agencies, present findings to the landlord and engage the landlord in renovating apartments with housing code violations and unsafe living conditions.
After years of organizing and policy work on behalf of working-class and lower-income tenants and homeowners, P.A.’L.A.N.T.E.
Harlem officially launched its legal department in April 2021 to complement the passion, persistence, and strategic advocacy that
has characterized P.A.’L.A.N.T.E.’s work since its establishment in 2009.
Our Approach
Throughout its history, P.A.’L.A.N.T.E. had referred cases to two highly experienced private legal firms that solely represent tenants. Our goal was to establish our own legal department and not to become just another non-profit legal services organization, but rather to create something different and far more effective in vindicating the rights of longstanding residents, most of whom come from families that are modest- to low-income, immigrant, and/or of color, principally Latinos and/or Black. As we always say- one size does not fit all.
P.A.’L.A.N.T.E.’s newly created legal department engages in litigation and policy work that builds on the grassroots and strategic approach that for years has delivered consistent and outsized results for our community.
In collaboration with our legal partners, P.A.'L.A.N.T.E. provides a weekly legal clinic and provides free legal representation to renters and low-income homeowners who are at risk of becoming homeless.